performance marketing, Brand Strategy, Atomsinc, Digital Marketing, Web Traffic, Brand Identity, campaigns, Social Media, Dynamic, Digital, Leaders, Atoms, Client Servicing, Business Devleopment Excecutive, Print, Radio, Tv

Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.


Launch a PPC Campaign.

Paid advertising is an effective way to drive traffic to your website quickly, and it’s good opportunity for newly built websites. However, after PPC campaign is finished, you’ll probably see your traffic flow start to shallow. So, it would be mistake to rely on a PPC campaign as your primary source of Website traffic.

Post unique and engaging content on your website.

Create in-depth and well-written content that will naturally attract visitors to your website. This good old rule has always worked. Devote some time to crafting evergreen content that will drive people to your website for a long time, and also hit on hot industry topics.

Build relationships with influencers.

Content creation itself is only half the battle: to get impressive results, you’ll also need to devote time to content promotion. Build relationships with thought leaders and influencers in your industry and make them talk about your posts. For sure, creating strong, mutually beneficial relationships takes time, but the results are totally worth it.

Be active on relevant social platforms, in niche communities.

For Example: An alternative could be to get active within Facebook groups & Use business groups to help promote useful unique content.

Try guest blogging

Publishing guest posts is a good way to get backlinks, especially if the blogs you’re posting on allow do follow links. Even if you don’t get any links, it’s still a way to reach a new, wider audience and establish yourself as an expert.

Let people search you on web

Improve your page loading speed.

Your Page Loading time is important for a few reasons.

First of all, if your load speed is too slow, Google will recognize this, and it will harm your ranking.

But a slow website will also impact the way your website visitors engage with your pages.

As a result, those negative interactions will hurt your rankings too.

Produce high quality content.

How often do you update your website?

If you haven’t touched it since the day, you built it, you probably don’t have a great SEO ranking right now.

Your content should be high quality, recent, and relevant.

Another imp factor that impacts your SEO ranking is-dwell time.

This relates to how much time people send on your website per visit.

Break up your content with header tags.

Headlines are another way to help improve the user experience on your website.

They break up the content and make it easier to read or skim.

Plus, headers make everything look more appealing, which is always beneficial.

If your website is just a wall of text, it’s going to discourage people from spending a long time on it.

Use Outbound Links.

All of your data claims should be linked to trustworthy and authoritative sources.

You should not only link to authority sites but also makes sure all information is recent.

Fix Any Broken Links.

If you’re using authority websites for hyperlinks, you shouldn’t have to worry about the links breaking.

But it can still happen.

Broken links can crush your SEO ranking.

Practices to Maximize PPC Performances

Retargeting by Long Retail Keyword.

Most people who visit your landing page via a specific keyword don’t actually convert. But the fact that they landed on your page, and the fact that they used a specific keyword to get there, are two very valuable pieces of information at your fingertips.

They show that the visitor has a high level of intent, and you can – and should leverage that intent. By making sure that the next ad or content piece that you show them on your PPC platforms is related to the search keyword they used, or the content of the landing page.

Don’t be Afraid to Use Emoji’s

Emoji are much more than cutesy cartoons. The use of emojis as a communications tool in online marketing is growing fast. Recent research of the use emojis in a mobile survey campaign showed that emojis lowered the drop-off rate, the emojis responses provided comparable data, which means that emojis were accurate in conveying the true sentiments of respondents.

Emojis can be used in your PPC ads to stir emotion among potential customers, grab their attention, and communicate your message in an instant, fun way. Don’t be afraid to use emojis, but don’t overdo it either. Make sure you choose emojis that make sense and support your message.

Reverse Engineer Your Conversion Funnel.

As a performance marketer, we are totally focused on conversions. At the same time, we all know that most clicks don’t lead to conversions. A great way to figure out how to increase your CVR is to look closely at which top-of-the-funnel actions can predict your lower tunnel conversions.

By analyzing the user’s journey in your PPC funnel, you can look for ways to increase engagement with your ad or landing page, BEFORE moving your customers to the next funnel stage; this is what will lead to more conversions.

Dynamically change Your Landing Page for Each Audience Type.

We all want to tie our ad messaging to our landing pages. But the question is: how to do it scale? By Customizing a landing page across different search terms, you can serve a more targeted message atomically, according to the search words the viewer used to get your page. And you can do this without having to duplicate the landing page.

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